
Fun Facts

  • The state of Hawaii has eight main islands: Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Lanai, Kahoolawe and the Big Island of Hawaii.
  • More than one-third of the world's commercial supply of pineapples comes from Hawaii.
  • There are only 13  letters in the Hawaiian alphabet.
  •             Consonants: A, E H,I,K,L,M,N,O,P,U,W
  • From east to west Hawaii is the widest state in the United States.
  • Under-sea volcanoes that erupted thousands of years ago formed the islands of Hawaii.
  • Hawaii was the 50th state admitted to the union on August 20th, 1959.
  • Island flowers and colors used to represent each island.
  • Hawaii has its own time zone. There is no daylight savings time.
  • There are four counties in Hawaii
  • The island of Oahu draws more visitors than any other to Hawaii. One-third of the state's best surfing beaches are on Oahu.
  • The island of Lanai contains the world's highest sea cliffs, Hawaii's longest waterfall, and the largest white sand beach
  • The island was once the home of the world's largest pineapple plantations.
  • The Big Island is Hawaii's largest at 4,038 square miles. It is twice the size of all other Hawaiian Islands combined.
  • Kilauea volcano is the world's most active.
  • Kilauea Iki is the world's most active and largest volcano.
  • Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain in the world (measured from its base at the ocean floor).
  • The island houses the world's biggest telescope and more scientific observatories in one place than anywhere else in the world.
  • The island is the worldwide leader in harvesting macadamia nuts and orchids.
  • The state flower is the hibiscus 
  • The state bird is the Nene